Another New Job, God Provides Again
I start another new job on Monday. So now I will have a full 40 hours a week. I will be working from a friend at church that runs a realty. I’ll be building him a website, doing some photography of homes and other work. I think it will be a lot of fun. God has provided again for us. Now we will have some extra money to buy baby things. Brooke is feeling better off and on, but more on. Thanks for all of those praying for us and for the baby. Today we also got our refrigerator fixed. It wasn’t cooling all the time and was making a weird buzz. It was still under warranty but we had to pay for the service call. Better than the whole thing. I’ve been finding a lot of old friends from Pine Island on MySpace. I’m really thinking about starting a website with all of my Pine Island pictures, memories and links to others from PI.