
Getting Old

Yep, it’s that time, time to get old. I just went and shot a few hoops for about 20 minutes and now I’m tired and sweaty. This is sad. I don’t think I sweat like this after running 5 miles when I was in track. Why is it that we as Americans are over weight and out of shape. I was watching the World Cup this morning and some of these guys were in their mid 30’s. Soccer is hard. You run a lot. Like a lot. The thing that amazes me is how fast your body slows down. I mean, was high school that long ago? So, as I sit here and pant at my keyboard I try to convince myself when and what to do about it. Then comes another project, work, event, or nap… Maybe having a kid will help :)


Doug is the Technology Manager of Saylorville Church & founder of Apple iPhone School. He's the father of 4 boys & 1 girl and is married to Brooke Porter.

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