Here we go, another busy day. I started off as usual getting ready for work. I was trying to get there early so I could leave early because I had a meeting with Pastor to video tape some stuff for him. Anyways, I was also looking around for some CDs of a customers and was freaking out ’cause I couldn’t find them. Let’s just say I prayed a lot. I knew they had to be somewhere so I just focused on continuing to look. I had already checked the church the night before and the cars. I decieded to stop by the church again to see if I missed them, after looking all over in the office and sanctuary I went to the sound room. There they were right by the sound board. I can’t believe I missed them before. Anyway, after I got that settled I headed to work. We are very busy there and have a lot of items needed listing. I try to get into lising as much as I can but then some computer issue comes up and I’m off doing that. Getting to work didn’t help much either ’cause we got a new server and I didn’t want to touch anything til the owners got there. We got a company that is going out of business insterested in using us to list their items on eBay. The owner went today to check it out. Its a high performance racing parts store with older stuff too. We’ll see how that pans out. So, now we’re halfway through my day… I left to meet Pastor at 1:00pm but we wern’t to meet until 1:30 at a coffee shop off of 86th street, well I called him just to see where he was, he said he was on my street at Quizno’s. I told him I just drove by, acually he was at a different one so I just went ahead to the coffee shop we were going to video tape, or so I though, after sitting there for about a half hour, he called and I realized I was at the wrong coffee shop, about 1/2 mile away, again… nice. Anyway we got this video taped and also a special message for Sunday night. I also talked to him about running sound for our backyard barbque, It’s going to be fun. This Saturday. Free food after the parade. Ok, so after that I get home and call the Passport/Visa place to see how much Brooke’s stuff will be, it’s going to be about $300 to get everything. We have to get her name changed on it too ’cause she still has her maiden name on it. I need to get that all done tomorrow. Ok, so then Brooke came home and made dinner. I talked to Corey and Brian around that time frame too, hadn’t talked to Corey in a while. He said he sold his Alero and is buying another Grand Prix. Not much else news, we just talked about him wanting to get a new computer. After that we did Impact, which is our college group in Thursday nights at church. www.experienceimpact.com Check it out, soon I will be making a Multimedia page for it with pictures and more. Impact was good, Dustin spoke and he did a great job ’cause he’s so.. real. I appreciate that Dustin if you’re reading this. I gave him a hug too so I’m sure he already knows. I played basketball with Dustin, Lucas vs me and Sean. We lost and I’m sure it’s cause I’m out of shape. If I was still about 17, I would smoke them, but I’m old now so… I’m planing on continuing my exercise tomorrow. I want to be riding my bike or running or rollerblading or something every day. It will be good for me. Ok, so then after Impact we stood around and talked in the parking lot, then some people came to our house and watched the NBA Finals. I haven’t watched that since Jordan…. anyway, I had a great time and keep getting to know everyone more. I will miss Justin when he goes off to the east coast for Photography school. I am so jealous too. We were talking about Apple computers and what he should buy. Well they finally had to go ’cause they have to work early so now I’m here at the computer. I hope I didn’t miss anything important. Goodnight!