Twitter Updates for 2012-05-19
- Anyone have a recommendation on where to bring scrap metal? Do you get much money for it? Tips? #
- @pleides15 just about 10 fence posts and small scraps. #
- If I would've had a truck and trailer this full I would've made out like a bandit! (@ Alter Recycling) [pic]: #
- @JakesiPhone if I'm reading the paperwork correctly, about 60 pounds = $5.55 #
- Picking up TV mount for a new screen in foyer. The Dell is going in the sound room for our new video switching system #
- 60lbs. of metal equals a trenta sized iced coffee with whole milk and classic sweetener! (@ Starbucks) [pic]: #
- Reading about our toad (@ Petsmart) [pic]: #
- Pricing fence for our yard. Check out this parking job. (@ Menards) [pic]: #
- The cart that holds all my boys! Carson was so excited to find it! @ Menards #
- Look who's here! (@ Miller Mansion) [pic]: #