Twitter Updates for 2011-07-22
- @kickologist love your real tweets. Miss you buddy! #
- I'm at Smokey Row Coffeehouse & Soda Fountain in Des Moines, IA #
- RT @ryanbrancheau: The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones is only $2.99 on the Kindle right now. #
- Me Too! RT @allanscu: I'm having trouble downloading Mac OS X Lion. Getting 500 server error. Anybody else? #
- Anyone figure out how to run dashboard widgets on the desktop in Lion yet? #
- @omarg Let me know if you figure out how to hack it. You used to be able to in Snow Leopard. #
- @omarg no, to move one onto the desktop #
- Apple just gave me a brand new iPhone because my home button wasn't working. It was 29 days out of warranty. #