Twitter Updates for 2010-11-20
- @TM_Technology what does this have to do with technology? #
- .@mashable one more of these and I'm unfollowing… #
- @natebeaird you got that right! Especially seabring convertibles. People think they are so kewl… But it's just a seabring #
- @reachrecords FYI this page is broken: #
- @F1Dev Can members login and see a church directory with pictures? #
- @mlindsley awesome. Any eta? Thanks for responding. #
- I'm at Hy-Vee in Ankeny, IA #
- Fact: you can get a free cookie at the bakery & a free piece of cheese at the deli for your kids at HyVee in Ankeny. #
- RT @chrisweishaar: @ahhyeah Not just cheese though. My son always asks for a slice of ham. #
- Just went shooting with @pleides15 #
- Me shooting #
- @prodigaljohn was it for taxes? #