Twitter Updates for 2010-08-15
- @codman1004 carbonite or mozy in reply to codman1004 #
- RT @mashable: One Man Will Try to Tweet the Bible Over Three Years – #
- wife just told her mom to get something from the diaper bag, she went to my 'man bag/satchel' #fail #
- Standing in line for a pork chop on a stick. #
- Eating my pork chop on a stick. @iowastatefair #
- In the new Jacobson Exhibition Center at the @iowastatefair #
- 6 1/2 hours of the fair is enough. Time to go home. #
- RT @drumdog00: @JMCato it's a moth. #
- @gboisseau I'm cheap, the fair is not. in reply to gboisseau #
- Taking my wife on a date with no kids. FTW #