Twitter Updates for 2010-05-18
- Just completed a 2.11 mi run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper #
- @drumdog00 por que? in reply to drumdog00 #
- @drumdog00 prayed for you while running this morning. Praying again while driving to work. in reply to drumdog00 #
- @IAIndyFan wikipanion! in reply to IAIndyFan #
- Ever wonder what a Technology Manager of a church does? I design and distribute these: #
- @iphoneman76 haha, no skillz! I wish I was a designer… in reply to iphoneman76 #
- Just finished meeting with a consultant on improving the acoustics in the main auditorium. #
- @drumdog00 A lot… in reply to drumdog00 #
- ice cream! — at Culver's #
- #24 — at The Van Rheenen's #