Twitter Updates for 2010-04-11
- RT @RodrigoBNO: Polish president and first lady among at least 96 dead in presidential plane crash in Russia – #
- Heading to my nephew's birthday party. #
- RT @PiperTravel Babies don’t birth themselves, neither do the spiritually dead (Jn 3:6f) #dgrc #
- RT @kevinrose Got the iPad last week, battery still @ 43% – still haven't charged it, crazy.. #
- Say hello to my little friend: #
- I seem to only be able to put 12 apps per folder. And you can put web apps in folders. That beats categories but 12 icons doesn't. #
- You can put stock apps in folders. And apps are opening much quicker. #
- My carrier hack stayed and so did my more than 11 pages. #
- @brianminor only bug I've found is it won't let me at a new new number to contacts from Messages app to existing contact. in reply to brianminor #
- Window shopping. — at Toy R Us #
- Java Chip Frap — at Starbucks #