Twitter Updates for 2010-03-31
- Just completed a 1.51 mi bike ride with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper #
- @mario force quit on iPhone: with the app open hold power button until "slide to turn off appears". Then hold home button until app closes. in reply to mario #
- @AdamTReineke that is my favorite movie in reply to AdamTReineke #
- New #iPhone Article from @iphoneschool: Pay at Starbucks (in Target) With Your iPhone – #
- Gonna edit a video for youth group tonight. — at Saylorville Baptist Church #
- @drumdog00 That's cause your house is only 2 degrees what it is outside!!!!! in reply to drumdog00 #
- Getting spot light bulbs for church. — at Adventure Lighting #
- @IAIndyFan I'd say 25% chance in 2010, 75% in 2011. in reply to IAIndyFan #
- RT @pawzlee RT @edstetzer: Don't argue with angry bloggers / tweets. It's like wresting with a pig- you both get dirty, but the pig likes it #
- RT @appleinsider Apple's iPhone 4.0 to support multitasking via Expose-like interface #
- Baby appt. — at West Des Moines OBGYN #
- Dinner — at Chipotle #
- Gasoline — at QuikTrip #
- RT @theiBlog Watching @kevinrose and @alexalbrecht trying to convert MB to Mb is a bit scary. / LOL! Awesome! #
- I can no longer upload photos to facebook from any browser on my mac or my pc… anyone else got this? I can't seem to fix… :( #
- @eFoobar been this way for me for about a week or two in reply to eFoobar #