Twitter Updates for 2010-03-02
- @denverporter has officially slept in for over an hour… #
- Editing the sermon audio from yesterday. — at Saylorville Baptist Church #
- RT @google: We're happy to announce that Google has acquired Picnik #
- @EightCranes I'm looking for exactly what you have but then have a lid that I can still drink out of and carry it around the office. in reply to EightCranes #
- @JustinWise did you delete my comments from your website? in reply to JustinWise #
- My comments were deleted by @justinwise from this article: because I used the Bible as my response… #fail #
- @JustinWise FYI, I had others direct message me about the comments, now they are gone, I didn't delete them… in reply to JustinWise #
- @JustinWise Now they are back! Hope it's just a browser error. Either way, Thanks! in reply to JustinWise #
- @pleides15 yep, my bad. It's back. in reply to pleides15 #