Twitter Updates for 2009-12-03
- @joshray yeah, their servers are overloaded in reply to joshray #
- New #iPhone Article from @iphoneschool: EA Mobile – 25 Games 'Til Xmas Sale – #
- @AdamTReineke yeah, it is slow, fail in reply to AdamTReineke #
- @natebeaird I'm setting up lyrics and music for our Christmas program. in reply to natebeaird #
- @natebeaird I think you have to already own version 3 and I'm not buying until jan 1 (new budget) in reply to natebeaird #
- @JMCato I bought this at Target: in reply to JMCato #
- Don't ship things in packing peanuts, it's annoying… #fail #
- At a Windows 7 presentation. I know, I know. Free drinks! #
- Video at presentation. So far, presentation #fail. #
- I uploaded a YouTube video — @ahhyeah [Watch my video on #twitvid] #
- I'm gonna start tweeting things said in this Microsoft Presentation you shouldn't say at a presentation… #windows7 #
- "let's cross our fingers and try this" #
- "it's really slow right now" #
- "I knew I shouldn't have tried that" #
- "you see it says beta right here" #
- "let's see if we can try this… Maybe" #
- "I'm not gonna try that for the sake of time" #
- I've only been impressed with one thing: default printer changes automatically based on your wifi/network connection. #
- They prepared more on the wine than the presentation. #
- @eFoobar Microsoft sales Director of Iowa in reply to eFoobar #
- My wife is totally awesome. Just saying… #
- @theiBlog I like mine. But if you use a case, it's kinda useless. We have a review on out site. in reply to theiBlog #
- En route to fix the youth room computer during youth group. Guess what it's running? Windows. #fail #
- @problogger Me too (in US) kinda neat… in reply to problogger #
- @Red_Revolution Welcome! Glad I could get it fixed so the night could go on! in reply to Red_Revolution #
- RT @saurik Yesterday, I finished upgrading the in-Cydia SHSH on file firmware display: it will now show the full list of on file firmwares. #
- I'm uploading a video of a sweet new hack for the iPhone. Posting in a few minutes! Get excited! #