Twitter Updates for 2009-11-07
- @PyroKarma 3.1.2 in reply to PyroKarma #
- @Boodlezoid 3.1.2 in reply to Boodlezoid #
- [News] Report: Apple to launch Verizon iPhone in Q3 2010 (via @appleinsider) #
- Headed to Saylorville Lake for a picnic. What you favorite spot? #
- On a picnic with my family. #
- Picture of @denverporter & @bporter #
- RT @droidschool New Google Android Article: Google Advertising Motorola DROID on – #
- @rickthor just got the Motorola DROID!!! #
- AGREED! RT @bporter Speaking from personal experience… the DROID is definitely not the iPhone killer though it is a decent alternative. #