Twitter Updates for 2009-10-17
- RT @drumdog00: How do you clear the cache in @tweetie 2? Everytime I open the app it opens to a tweet from 12 hours ago! // Me too! #fail #
- Packing for Africa. Then heading out to buy some supplies. I leave Monday!!! #
- @mattyb1994 1 week. And I fly through London! Twice!!! in reply to mattyb1994 #
- Why don't companies fill their containers all the way full? #target #fail #
- RT @Carson_7: @ahhyeah Orbit (Expose) is now in Cydia :) #
- Awesome breakfast: peanut butter on toast dunked in hot chocolate. #
- @ThaJonzes want unlock too? in reply to ThaJonzes #
- This is what you need when both kids are sick: #
- The @otterbox Commuter cases came just in time for the ultimate test! I leave for a week in Togo, Africa on Monday. #iPhone #
- Buying things for Togo, Africa trip. Any recommendations? I'm going for video/photo/tech on missions. #
- RT @stroughtonsmith: Orbit is now available from the Cydia Store for $1.99; I hope you like it! #
- @Rankdiz phone came yesterday. Both boys are better but got ear infections from the cold. #fail #
- Sweet wedding cake! #
- @lucasbair RT @BreakingNews: JUST IN: Heavy clashes between Brazilian police and drug traffickers kill at least 12, turns streets into chaos #
- RT @mike_elgan: BREAKING: All-out warfare in Olympic city, Rio Janeiro, between cops and drug gangs. Police helicopter shot down. Many dead. #
- RT @BreakingNews: PHOTO — 12 dead in Rio de Janeiro as drug traffickers down helicopter & set fire to buses & #
- @natebeaird what streaming service are you using? You like? in reply to natebeaird #
- @ThaJonzes no, nothing is permanent. in reply to ThaJonzes #
- $2.75 for a corndog at Culver's. #fail #
- RT @TechCrunch: Verizon Launches Direct Attack Against The iPhone With Ads For The Motorola Droid by @jasonkincaid #