Twitter Updates for 2009-09-26
- @jaybyron yes it is in reply to jaybyron #
- @leslieberg there will be a little camera in your messages app where you type, make sure you reboot in reply to leslieberg #
- @Rankdiz technically it's been able to send both ;) just not through text, bit through email. in reply to Rankdiz #
- We just officially beat boxed at a worship service. @joshbyers #Saylorville #
- Checking out some Full Throttle Coffee. Anyone ever had it? #
- We're just cruzin'. Just locked our keys in the truck but the rear sliding window was open. #
- @ryanbrancheau not bad, but I can only drink half. in reply to ryanbrancheau #
- @drumdog00 I do that all the time!!!!!! in reply to drumdog00 #
- @drumdog00 or push for the iPhone! @tweetie in reply to drumdog00 #