Twitter Updates for 2009-08-24
- Please give me feedback on today's morning and evening worship, good or bad. Also, let me know which service and where you were sitting. #
- I got my face on a cookie for my Birthday, priceless! #
- New #iPhone Article from @iphoneschool: TomTom Car Kit Demo Video – #
- New #iPhone Article from @iphoneschool: WeatherIcon Update – Compatible with Battery Control – #
- @iphonejunky don't worry, they were only there for a second. NOM NOM! in reply to iphonejunky #
- @brazilmama I can only if I had a key to your house. in reply to brazilmama #
- @brazilmama I mean you car… in reply to brazilmama #
- RT @pleides15: the 1st ever image of Jupiter & her 4 moons shot through the eyepiece using an iPhone #
- RT @PastorTimSmith: Trinity was wiggling front tooth when her aunt hit her elbow & tooth went flying onto table. #