Twitter Updates for 2009-08-15
- I'm at this: RT @Saylorville: Cell group leader training going on at the church from 8am – noon today. #
- RT @PastorMark: …really excited about our new Mars Hill iPhone app. #
- @Rankdiz chillin', how 'bout you? in reply to Rankdiz #
- Nap time. I'm sick :( #
- @pleides15 @leslieberg thanks. Feeling a little better after the nap. in reply to pleides15 #
- More free wordpress themes. #
- Can anyone guess what this is? Ever had it before? I love it! #
- Eating Oreos with my cousin. #
- @djmexi dude! Gotta keep the fingers clean for the iPhone! in reply to djmexi #
- @drumdog00 they should sell it at the fair! I would be rich!!! in reply to drumdog00 #
- @drumdog00 What website is it? in reply to drumdog00 #
- Our website ( is having intermittent outages. Rackspace is working on the issue. #
- #winMBP @taptaptap is giving away a $5999 ColorWare STEALTH MacBook Pro to celebrate launching Convert for iPhone! #
- @Hsxagent you're right I should have eaten them. Sugars no good when you are sick. But, the fork is a must! Clean fingers = clean iPhone! in reply to Hsxagent #
- Anyone else getting 3G in Ankeny right now on their iPhone? #
- @Rankdiz That doesn't help :) in reply to Rankdiz #