What I Did Today – Oct. 11th, 2006
Today was a slow starting day. And it’s already 1:00pm
- Had Cinnamon Toast Crunch for breakfast
- Watched the North Korea situation on Fox News
- Talked with my grandma today’s Daily Bread
- Sent the Junior High Girls Retreat poster to be printed
- Installed ClearType Tuner XP PowerToy on my computers
- Ate a horrible lunch including old cheese curds from Casey’s, leftover pasta salad & potato salad, sour cream & onion chips, & nasty cookies
- Uploaded the Junior High Girls Retreat poster to Flickr
- Went to Target to buy batteries & a CD case for the soundroom
- Called insurance companies about health care options
- Picked up Junior High Girls Retreat poster
- Looked at 3 houses
- Worked in the soundroom at church for Wednesday night prayer
- Dinner was McDonalds. Fish-o-filet, fries, side of tarter for fries, large chocolate shake.Â
- Signed up for Persecution.com
- Worked in the soundroom at church for practice for sunday
- Went to bed at around 10:30pm
Best thing – Looking at houses. There are two we like but we haven’t officially decided yet.
Worst thing – Slamming my McDonalds between the service and practice.