Moving to WordPress
That’s right, I’m in. This is sweet. rocks. You can basically download software for free that you can then upload to your site to manage your own blog and website. I got to work fine but it doesn’t have a complex design. is a little more complex. Not a lot really, I just have no idea what I’m doing. Well during all this transition I’ve been trying to figure out what this site is going to be all about. I talk about myself, photography, web 2.0, religion, & any other random things. Well, it’s still going to be that but I want it to be about accountabilty. I thought it would mostly be me telling you what I want to change and have you ask me if I’ve been doing it. But with the comment section, I think it would be a great place to keep account ability with each other. Feel free to coment on what your struggles are and I’ll try to help you out, but don’t forget I need help too. Also it can be a place for prayer requests. So feel free to put your own in the comments that you would like prayer for.