Early morning today, 7:00am, especially after working late til 9:00pm. Work was a little rough today but I made it through. Tonight I really wanted to go to the church and work on the lighting system for the church with Larry but I just had to work on these wedding videos and slideshows. I got another video done for the Huffords and now I’m working on the Decleene-Moore slideshow. It’s not really that difficult for me, but the scanning takes a long time. I’m waiting to go to bed but Brooke is making cookies for Christmas so I’m working on stuff. It’s 10:24pm and I have to be up by 5:00am, ugh. We also went and got another algae eating fish for one of my tanks, the one with the cam. And we got some stuff at Target for Brooke to make her cookies. Last we stopped at the Family Christian Store to look for a book that we didn’t find :( When Brooke was making her cookies we gave a little taste of dough to Emma our older kitten. We didn’t even have a chance to give some to the younger kitten when he started licking Emma’s mouth. It was so cute. Well now it’s time for bed and that’s my day. Hope I can keep updating this daily for everyone, let me know if it’s worth it and you’re reading it.
I was excited to see you had started posting again!! Andie