
Twitter Updates for 2011-10-19

  • @JonathanESmith agreed! #
  • @HyVee when did this change? There was a sign there that said future home of Hy-vee and there has been earth movers there for months… #
  • @HyVee Just a little confused at your contradicting statements: "there are no plans to build a second store" & "till we are ready to build" #
  • @HyVee also that there is a sign out front that says something about it being a future location of HyVee. #
  • @HyVee Sounds like you are building, just don't know the timeline yet. #
  • @HyVee You have plans or you wouldn't have bought the land or put up a sign. You just don't have a date. #
  • New #iPhone Article from @iphoneschool: Notification Center – #
  • @theiBlog mine has been horrible #
  • @aranmor I'm gonna try! I have the list of 200+ #


Doug is the Technology Manager of Saylorville Church & founder of Apple iPhone School. He's the father of 4 boys & 1 girl and is married to Brooke Porter.

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