Twitter Updates for 2009-11-04
- @besweeet 3 in reply to besweeet #
- RT @appleinsider [News] Apple announces App Store offerings top 100,000 #
- Listening to the new @switchfoot album on MySpace… again… #
- Anyone know where to buy covers for sound board/mixers? Apparently Carvin doesn't sell them for their own boards… #fail #
- @ryanbrancheau I might do that… :) in reply to ryanbrancheau #
- Ok, let me ask this differently… Would anyone like to serve by sewing up 3 cloth covers for our sound boards? ;) #
- RT @wired "Son, no one gives a crap about all the things your cell phone does. You didn't invent it, you just bought it." #
- @benfunkhouser glad to see you're not by yourself tonight! in reply to benfunkhouser #
- Listening to @switchfoot's new album… again… #
- @PyroKarma Ahhyeah!!!!!!! in reply to PyroKarma #
- @leslieberg they were just here, it rocked! in reply to leslieberg #