Twitter Updates for 2009-09-20
- @drumdog00 happy birthday!!!!!! #
- If anyone can come help with security at the church during wee ones please let me know. We need 2 people ASAP. #
- RT @Saylorville: Wee One's is about to begin in 1 hour! Please pray for all of those sharing and hearing the Gospel today! #
- RT @Saylorville: The Wee Ones event is over but don't stop praying. Many were challenged with the Gospel today. Pray that lives are changed! #
- @natebeaird in reply to natebeaird #
- @natebeaird best game ever: in reply to natebeaird #
- @drumdog00 iMac, iPhone, or Snow Leopard? in reply to drumdog00 #
- @drumdog00 ##fail in reply to drumdog00 #