Twitter Updates for 2009-03-30
- Wishing I had qik on my iphone right now. Could be sharing this beautiful song with everyone. #
- @drumdog00 You put a space in that one :) in reply to drumdog00 #
- Does anyone else have to turn their brightness all the way down on their 24″ iMac or just me? It actually hurts my eyes at full brightness!! #
- @ryanbrancheau I turn it down as far as it goes… amazing! and it still blows away the 2 20″ Dells next to me! in reply to ryanbrancheau #
- @dlayphoto That’s sweet! Like the iPhone! It has backlight keep board too right? in reply to dlayphoto #
- rt @mike_elgan: iPhone app lets small children play with an iPhone without actually calling anybody. #
- @natetrue I agree with you on the Facebook/Twitter thing in reply to natetrue #
- @miketempleton did you paint your VW? ;) in reply to miketempleton #
- Hanging out with Liz at Shine kids worship time. She’s drinking a red bull. #
- I told the girls in youth group that I like Chocolate. Big mistake! #
- @gboisseau If it was chocolate, it would be gone :) in reply to gboisseau #
- @gboisseau This one’s for you (pic of me eating keyboard) in reply to gboisseau #
- @RaeRae182 I think there is one on 1st and Ankeny Blvd (bp) in reply to RaeRae182 #
- @gboisseau Dude, Keyboard on head! That brings back the days! in reply to gboisseau #