

Goodmorning! I had to get up early, ON A SATURDAY, to take Brooke to a “Woman of Faith” conference where Beth Moore is speaking. So now I’m hanging out before I go to work. Tonight I’m going to my cousin’s house (Brian) to help him move a 500 pound UPS. It’s basically a battery system that is used to keep your computer running in case of a power failure. Although they are usually the size of a microwave or smaller. This one is HUGE. I’ll take some pictures and post them tomorrow to show you how we got it off, (if we do). Ok, now when I’m sitting here writing this I wonder who is actually looking at this. I notice my web statistics show that I’ve had up to 50 visitors in one day recently. That’s unique visitors, not repeats. Well, if you read this, send me a message, it’s easy, there’s a guest book, and a ICQ pager on the bottom of the main page where you can just type and click. Let me know if you like (or hate) my site!

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