
Twitter Updates for 2011-07-01

  • Acts 20:35 – …It is more blessed to give than to receive. #
  • RT @devon_k: Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. Mt 10:39 #
  • @madmanlancaster go to settings app, then sounds and turn off mail and any others for the night. #
  • @madmanlancaster @drumdog00 turn off wifi when you're out. I'm guessing you're out driving so switching towers a lot takes up battery #
  • @drumdog00 @madmanlancaster is it an iPhone 4 new? It should last a whole day on heavy usage of charged every night. Where did you buy it? #
  • @madmanlancaster @drumdog00 just checking. Sometimes, low sales places like RadioShack have ones that have been sitting on a shelf for ever. #
  • Dinner in the getto. I went to school across the street!!! @ Tasty Tacos #


Doug is the Technology Manager of Saylorville Church & founder of Apple iPhone School. He's the father of 4 boys & 1 girl and is married to Brooke Porter.

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