
Recent Pictures

Praying Mantis

This praying mantis hung out on our railing all day. Everytime we walked by he would just look at us. It was probably the largest one I have ever seen. I came out late that night to take the dog out and he was on our door post. I scared him as I came out and he jumped and flew on my leg. I took him out to the pine trees in front of our condos and he was still there the next day chillin. I think he is dying :(


I do photography for a realty company and on my way back from a house I saw this parked at the Fairway grocery store. I just had to get a pic. They had a stage set up on the other side and a video camera and you could try to get on a commercial by singing the Oscar Mayer song.


This weekend we went to Minnesota to see Brooke’s sister, Devin. She got in a car accident this week and broke her wrist. I’m not going to explain too much until I see her so I know what happen for sure. Anyway, here’s Lily chillin on Brooke’s lap on the way up. She is so spoiled. She likes to sit on the baby.


Doug is the Technology Manager of Saylorville Church & founder of Apple iPhone School. He's the father of 4 boys & 1 girl and is married to Brooke Porter.

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