

Going to bed again, just thought I’d write before I went to bed. Brooke’s been in bed for a while now. I’ve been moving stuff around on www.kittenphotogallery.com I submited it to google today so we’ll see what happens. I need more people to add pictures of their cats to get it going. I checked with sxc.hu to see if it was ok to put some of their pics on my gallery and their user agreement said you can’t. But their stuff it high resoulution and I would be using low resolution and I would put a link to their site for the high res. I emailed them to see if it’s ok. Otherwise I’ll have to take them off :( Then I dont’ know where I’ll get pics except from users… We’ll see what happens. I think after this one gets going I could start a webcam site listing webcams. I better get to bed ’cause I’m helping Lucas tomorrow with the college ministry. Good night, and thanks Nathan for the comments!!!

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